Saturday, December 27, 2008

Mercury in Retrograde

I was given some homework: Why is Mercury Retrograde important? This is for you to research if you do not know the answer. Important things to find out.....What does Mercury rule. If it is retrograde what does this mean? How would that affect things?

And this is what I found out: Mercury in retrograde is important because Mercury rules communication. And when Mercury is in retrograde things seem to get messed up. Communication isn't what it should be and things just don't go the way they should. Its good to know this so that you can do other things. Meditate, write poetry, read, listen to music...

I found this on an internet site:
Void-Of-Course Moons

Never heard of the void of course moon? Knowing when it comes up will help you avoid bad decisionmaking and wasted effort. Hats off to Al H. Morrison who realized that void of course moons impacted the rhythms of everyday living and to Debbi Kempton-Smith who detailed Morrison’s work in her 1982 book, Secrets From a Stargazers Notebook . We become more fallible during a void of course moon, which occurs every few days or so and lasts for a few minutes to several hours. Void of course moons occur when the moon finishes its last major aspect in a particular sign before it moves to the next sign.

Avoid doing anything important, such as a job interview or granting someone a loan, during a void of course moon. Void of course moons disrupt communication. Anything we do could require some adjustment later.
An example - In every presidential election from 1900 to 1972, one of the two major party candidates was nominated when the moon was void of course. Every one of those particular candidates lost!

Use the time of the void of course moon to rejuvenate your spirituality. Meditate, read a book, veg out and feed your soul. Hang up the "Gone Fishing" sign when the moon is void of course. When the moon fully enters the next sign, get back to work!

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Alchemist

The Alchemist was a good book as well, but Illusions is still my favorite out of the the book list I was given. In the Alchemist he understands that he has a destiny to fulfill. A man appears to him and lets him know some of the options that he has. He ends up leaving everything behind to find this "treasure". This book teaches you to follow your dreams and goals.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Illusions was a very good book. I learned more from it than I did from The Secret. In the book there is a Messiah. And he has all these powers to make things happen. Reading the book has made me realize a lot of things. It boils down to one quote that I have always loved. "Some people are only as happy as they make up their minds to be". Its a lot about mind over matter. And to realize that your life is not someone elses life. You will never live like someone else does. How happy you are depends on how you react to the things you have in life and how you make it. Its one of those books that touched me so much that I actually went out and bought the book so I could reread it.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Secret

The secret was an interesting book. Its one of those books you don't really have to read all the way through. Each chapter basically goes over the same thing again and again. It basically means that if you want something in life all you have to do is imagine that its already yours. You have it within your power to manifest your desires. If you want something then all of the universe will conspire to make it yours. Which works great as long as you have no doubt whatsoever.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Samhain Circle

I went to Circle last night with a local coven. It was very interesting. I feel so lost though. No matter what I read I still feel like I don't have the hands on experience I would like. I learn a lot better when I do things hands on. It was an awesome experience and I can't wait to learn more. I'm a perfectionist at heart and I feel like that might get in the way of things. I know there are no set rules to Wicca though. I know a lot of people do things differently depending on how they were taught. Even reading books I feel like I'm not retaining anything. Time will tell though. I know I'm not going to learn everything at once.

Monday, September 22, 2008

My Blog of Shadows

Yup... you read right. I'm gonna blog it instead of write it in a book. Though I'm gonna write the really important stuff to me in my journal. I just happen to type faster and my handwriting basically sucks. LOL. So I'm gonna start typing it all on here for myself.